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Electricity market – US vs. Europe

Nivel 3

29 June 2023

The course is held in English 

This course sets out the differentials between the electricity markets in Europe and the Americas. This includes the grid and the role of system operators, as well as the organisation of markets, main market players and including the types of products traded

The two largest market areas for electricity are in EU and US respectively. Both are liberalized markets in contrast to a state owned, monopoly driven electricity supply system; however, there are still differences between separate market areas within those two regions and even greater between the US and the EU. An example is the locational pricing in the PJM which is opposed to the approach of a uniform market price for the whole German market area.

In this course the participants will get an overview about the market design of the US electricity market. He will be able to identify important differences in market design in an easy-to-comprehend way.


To who it concerns

The course is addressed to people who want to get an overview about the market design of the US electricity market, in order to get better picture about development of respective markets and possible further business opportunities



  • Market structure and regulatory frameworks

    • overview of the different market structures and regulatory frameworks used in the United States and Europe

    • role of wholesale and retail markets, transmission and distribution systems, and regulatory bodies.

    • differences in the generation mix between the United States and Europe

    • policies and incentives used to promote renewable energy development

  • Nodal and zonal market design

  • Market coupling

  • Real time market / ancillary service market concept

  • Security of supply

  • Congestion management

  • Main markets and market access

  • Market trends and outlook

  • Case studies


  • 2400 lei/pers;

For members AFEER:  

  • 1560 lei/pers

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