PPA agreement
Nivel 3

21 martie 2025
The course is held in English
The "PPA Introduction" course takes place online, being designed to provide participants with details about energy financing contracts.
In the current context of intensifying the interest in investments in electricity production, it becomes very important to know the PPA type contracts that are the basis for obtaining the financing of these objectives. These contracts guarantee the bankability of the respective project, guarantee the financing part that it can recover his investment, being a critical part in the procurement phase of the project. Negotiating such a contract takes a long time and requires knowledge of the possibilities of these types of contracts.
This course is organized in collaboration with Entrima, founded (2014) to provide a solution to market participants for the influx of regulation of capital and energy markets. Various regulatory packages require staff training; education being a mandatory part of the compliance framework. Interpretation of case studies requires specific knowledge of markets, products, prices and trading, as well as value chains of metals, agricultural products, oil, gas, coal and electricity
To who it concerns
The course is addressed to people who want to obtain detailed knowledge on PPA type contracts and/or requires training in order to conclude power purchase agreements
Project financing
PPA obligations
Timing requirements
Tariff structures
Invoicing and payment
Risks - Allocation and mitigation
Force majeure
Dispute resolution
2600 lei/pers;
For members AFEER:
1690 lei/pers